10 eggcellent ideas for your Easter email campaigns
By Sophia Skinbjerg | sophia.skinbjerg@ungapped.com
If you’re still snacking on your ginger cookies and candy canes wondering how the hell it’s Easter already, don’t fret. You’re not the only one. To help kickstart your inspiration for your own Easter email campaigns, we’ve gone ahead and assembled our favorite Easter-themed mailings.
There are some fantastic mailings out there which we found on Pinterest and (proudly) from our own customers. And the best part of it is that a lot of these examples come from companies that are diverse in their products and services. Why is that great news? Well, it shows that no matter the company, Easter email campaigns can always be designed to suit the needs of your business goals. Whether that’s growing your brand, increasing product sales, releasing new product lines or simply wishing your customers a Happy Easter. Take a look:
Puns are eggceptionally bad…but they work
Novel language makes people hop with joy
Humor sells…even if it appeals to our dark side
Simplistic, novel design instantly gets attention (and tastebuds)
But bright design works too…even with no eggs in sight
Although these Easter email campaigns are designed for different product and services, they all share some similarities. The strongest Easter email campaigns take advantage of novel language, fun design or bright colors, and clear calls-to-action – which are principles we can all adopt when designing our mailings this Easter.
Related: Effective email campaigns: what do they look like?
Why not get started now?
You can create an Ungapped account for free and make your first mailing in minutes. Hop to it!
Images sourced from this Pinterest board.