52% of marketers rank email in most effective digital channels
By Sophia Skinbjerg | sophia.skinbjerg@ungapped.com
If I asked you to rattle off all the marketing channels you could think of we’d probably be here a while. But would your answer be as long if I asked you what are the most effective digital channels? Lucky for both of us, we don’t need to ponder too long. In a recent study from Ascend2, 7 different channels have been listed as the most effective amongst marketers.
About the study
Back in December of last year, 265 marketers were asked questions like “What are the most effective channels for a digital marketing plan to include?” and “What are the most difficult channels to execute in a digital marketing plan?”.
Participating marketings were from a range of industries; 47% B2B, 35% B2C, 18% both B2B and B2C.
The most effective channels for a digital marketing plan

Source: Marketingprofs
Seven channels ranked as the most effective; website, email, social media, organic search, paid search, mobile, and display ads. Of the top 7 ranking channels, email was placed second with 52% of marketers believing it to be one of the most effective channels for a digital marketing plan. Sixty-three percent of participants think that brand websites are one of the most effective channels.
Related: Email marketing named most effective (and easiest) lead gen tactic
The most difficult channels to execute in a digital marketing plan
Interestingly, when asked what channels are the most difficult to execute in digital marketing plan, the same 7 channels ranked highest, though with varying degrees of difficulty. While 63% of participants believed brand websites was one of the most effective digital channels, brand websites was also ranked as the hardest channel to execute.
Related: The 6 best email tactics to take your business sky-high

52% of marketers rank email in most effective digital channels
Are digital channels getting easier?
An interesting part of study addresses the extent to which the effectiveness is changing amongst these digital channels. An overwhelming 88% believe that effectiveness is either increasing marginally or increasing significantly – which is good news for marketers the world over.

52% of marketers rank email in most effective digital channels
Ready to make your email better?
Know that you know email is ranked one of the most effective digital channels, why not test out an Ungapped account. It’s free to get started. Just create your account here.