Black Friday and Cyber Monday Campaign Checklist [Download]
By Aniel Bhaga | aniel.bhaga@ungapped.com
The biggest sales period of the year is approaching, are you prepared and ready? Knowing how great you are, we believe you have pretty much planned out your Black Friday & Cyber Monday email campaigns. If you haven’t then now is a great time to start, better late than never right?
To help you delivery an exceptional customer experience, have created a quick and easy checklist for you regardless what stage you are in your campaign planning, it is a great way to go through and make sure that you haven’t missed anything out. You don’t want to mess this up.
If you are working in retail marketing, online sales or have a product or service to sell then this checklist is for you. So what is this Black Friday & Cyber Monday that people keep talking about.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday is the hottest shopping time of the year in the US, UK, Europe and it is continuously growing each year across the world. Year on year there is an increase in online spending, with last years online sales reaching unprecedented heights, totalling a record-breaking $3.34 billion, up 21.6% year-over-year.
With these figures it is better to be prepared as your customer experience during this timeframe can either turn new customers away or help to grow your audience.
What’s in this Checklist
- A step by step run down of what you need to look at for preparing your campaign
- Helpful tips and tricks
- What to look out for.
Download your Free checklist here.
We don’t mind if you use our checklist, though we do believe it will help you. Download it, adapt it or create your own either way it is important for you to use a checklist.
Anything can happen and and with so much going on it can be hard to keep track of all your marketing content and campaign releases, especially with last minute changes (we know they happen). Have a checklist ensures that you have a quality control across your campaign and allows you to continue delivering an exceptional customer experience.
If you are wanting to get started with quick, easy and professional looking email templates give us a go. It’s free! Create your first campaign now 🚀