Download your free email campaign planner
By Aniel Bhaga | aniel.bhaga@ungapped.com
If you’re looking to kickstart the year by planning your upcoming email campaigns better, then you’ve come to the right place.
Following the success of the email campaign planner that we gave away for free last September, we’ve gone ahead and made a new one for Q1 of 2018. We’ve even included the important key dates and holidays from Canada, Australia and the UK. Combined, this email campaign planner has got you covered for those three regions plus Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway and Denmark) and the United States.
Eager beaver? Go ahead and download it now »
What’s included in the email campaign planner?
This email campaign planner is a great tool not only for those just starting out with email marketing or newsletters but also those who are a little more well-versed on the topic.
The planner has been designed for you to use it in a way that best meets your needs. So instead of filling the planner up with step by step rules, we’ve created the planner with lots of empty space for you to fill in with your own ideas, notes and schedules.
You’ll find that the planner is split month by month from January to March with important dates and holidays marked clearly by country (and in some cases, by state or region). This makes is really easy for you to get an overview of what’s coming up in order for you to better optimize your email campaigns and newsletters.
Download the email campaign planner now
So what are you waiting for? Start planning your campaigns better! Download by heading to our email campaign planner download form.