Let Your Images Work for You
By Aniel Bhaga | aniel.bhaga@ungapped.com
Images are all around us, in emails, social media, on billboards, webpages, books, everywhere. They bring out an emotion within each of us, and each of these feels these differently. When it comes to email marketing, images can be very powerful when used right, and can reduce your engagement when not, so how can you make images work for you?
On average we spend around 10 seconds reading an email (and that is after we have decided to open it). With email open rates ranging from 15% to 28% (according to MailChimp) they really need to be on point to get your message and brand across with ease.
The best way to do this? You guessed it, Images.
They say that a picture is worth 1,000 words, and when it comes to email marketing, this rings true. The images you use in emails is vital correctly transmit your message customers. They are your powerful ally when it comes to building the brand recognition between you and your customer.
To help get your images working for you ask yourself these four questions every time you create an email campaign:
- Do the images in my campaign reflect my brand?
- Will the images keep the reader engaged?
- Do the images work with my text and guide my reader to the CTA?
- Do all my images in the email campaign work together?
Some inspiration on how to use images in your summer campaigns
If you are unsure or answered no to any of these questions I would consider changing the images that do not fit. Believe me choosing the right images first up takes practice and it can also be something you need to test as well. In most large companies there will be an image bank for you to choose from. However if you do not have this resource there are many online resources you can use such as: PixaBay, Pexels, StockSnap and Unsplash. There are many more resources also available online.
When creating emails we know finding the right image can take up just as much or even more time as writing copy. With Unsplash integrated with Ungapped your images will always be on point. Enjoy easy to use templates and all of Unsplash with Ungapped, create your Free account today.