Welcome to your newsletter

Give your new subscriber a warm welcome!

By Zandra Preston | zandra.preston@ungapped.com

Did you know that the welcome-email that’s automatically sent to the new subscriber after s/he has confirmed their email address is one of the most read transactional emails? Don’t miss this opportunity, and deliver some value to your new subscriber!
welcome email
Here are some tips:

    1. Say Thank you!
      This subscriber has shown an interest in your company and taken the time to sign up for your newsletter. Why not give something back?
      Besides a heartfelt “Thank you” you can for example insert a code to a gift they can pick up in your shop, offer free delivery in your webshop, a free download of a useful book/report etc.
    2. Insert an obvious Call to action
      It could be a link to your webshop or a Sign in-button. Make sure the CTA stands out and can’t be missed!
      (Tip: Make the button BIG and with a color that stands out.)
    3. Ask the subscriber to add your email address to their address book
      If the subscriber whitelists you it means your messages will be more likely to reach their inbox.
    4. Encourage the subscriber to complete their profile

Encourage the subscriber to update their profile.

  1. Include links to all your social channels
    Your web address, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus, Linkedin etc.
  2. Keep it short…
    Short, informative and one big CTA – that’s the spirit!

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