How to join our smartbound seminar
By Sophia Skinbjerg | sophia.skinbjerg@ungapped.com
Next week we’re hosting a breakfast seminar on smartbound marketing with The Generation and Vass Kommunikation in one of Stockholm’s most inspiring locations, The Dome of Visions. If you didn’t manage to get a seat, here’s how you can follow along from a distance.

Breakfast in this venue? Yes, please.
On Instagram
We will be posting pictures and publishing live stories throughout the seminar so make sure you follow @vasskommunikation, @ungapped and @thegeneration.se.
On Snapchat
If you’re an avid snapchatter (ahem, like me) then add @vasskomm on Snapchat for snippets of the seminar.
Search the hashtag #smartbound on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to follow the conversation or even contribute your own ideas and thoughts around the topic.
The Generation
Vass Kommunikation
See you on the socials!
Images thanks to domeofvisions.se