A quarter of a BILLION emails were sent with Ungapped in 2016!
By Sophia Skinbjerg | sophia.skinbjerg@ungapped.com
That’s a definite cause for celebration wouldn’t you say? Here’s our year in numbers.
New Years Eve; a time for reflecting on the year that was and all the things you have achieved in the last 365 days. While the year isn’t over yet, we figure that we’re pretty safe in calling all the achievements we are proud of this year. Even if there are campaigns to keep certain people alive for the remaining days.
[bctt tweet=”In the last 30 days, 41 million emails were sent with Ungapped. 2016 total: more than quarter of a BILLION! @ungapped” via=”no”]
Without a doubt 2016 has been a special one for us. We’ve aimed for the heavens and sky-rocketed our way to new milestones. In the beginning of the year we opened our first US office in San Francisco. We’ve grown our team and we’re proud to say we share 5 diverse nationalities and cultures.
Bonus points if you can name them. Answers at the bottom of the page 😉
We also drank a substantial amount of coffee and IMO that is directly attributed to us being a tech company.
Source: GIPHY
But what we’ve achieved from all of you wonderful humans that use our platform is truly impressive. Over 1000 surveys were published and over a thousand SMS campaigns were sent. While it might not sound like much, these two tools are the newest in our platform and shows that people are loving the new tools.
Together, our users’ emails were opened 36 million times, 45% of those opens on mobile alone in December.
[bctt tweet=”User emails were opened 36M times, 45% of those on mobile in December alone. 👏 via @ungapped” via=”no”]
And in the last 30 days, 41 million emails were sent with Ungapped – meaning 2016’s total was more than a quarter of a BILLION emails.
But I won’t keep you from devouring the numbers yourself. Here they are in all their glory…
Ungapped 2016: a year in numbers
Thank you to all our amazing users
We obviously couldn’t have done this without you. Here’s to another fantastic 12 months with even more milestones.
Happy New Year!
Got fomo?
If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about then create your own free account and see what we’re all about.
Where’s the team from?
Answer: We’ve got Swedes, Danes, Aussies, Peruvians, Spaniards and one very loved office pug (she counts).