The biggest marketing trends 2017 will bring to your business
By Sophia Skinbjerg | sophia.skinbjerg@ungapped.com
With our breakfast seminar set to run mid-week, we thought we’d take a look at the topic we’ll be covering and share some of the latest opinions on the topic.
Our seminar topic is “The biggest marketing trends 2017 will bring to your business” and this infographic really is the total emulation of the concept. The infographic breaks down the trends into 8 different areas; customer loyalty, life-enhaving experiences, omnichannel engagement, data, second-party data, customer identity, next-generation touchpoints, and customer-motivated CMOs.
If you just want the infographic, keep on scrollin’.
1. Customer loyalty becomes marketers’ top priority
It’s always been known that a customer’s loyalty is worth more to you than losing a customer and onboarding a new customer instead. However, somewhere along the line, scaling and extreme user or customer growth of new customers became the ideology. But that’s not what always bring in the revenue; that comes from building a relationship on trust and satisfaction with your brand. Twenty-seventeen is going to be a year that brings back the importance of relationships with individual customers.
2. Customers demand life-enhancing experiences
Treating your customers as part of the crowd is a sure fire way to wave them goodbye. But while it’s generally accepted by company or marketing leaders that a personalized experience is what people want, only around 37% of marketers believe they do it well enough.
3. Customer identity will underpin all omnichannel engagement
It’s what we’re all about here at Ungapped; a customer experience should be smooth, seamless and exceptional across all channels. Which is why marketers need to start using platforms that have more things in the one place.
That could be you! Create your free Ungapped account here and start trying it out.
4. Brands take charge of their data – and their future
Data has been making it’s way up the ranks for a few years so I wouldn’t necessarily claim that this is the first time we are hearing it as one of the biggest marketing trends 2017 has to offer. But it’s gaining speed and adoption amongst marketers world-wide. Small business or large, data will drive experiences and revenues forward.
5. Marketers turn to second-party data to drive scale
The sharing economy turns it’s hungry on on marketing data across and between companies. While it’s obvious to see the benefits, security and privacy are going to be huge issues with this marketing trend in 2017.
6. Customer identity becomes a persistent and portable asset
Closely tied to point number three but this point emphasizes the importance of a long-term identity rather than a campaign by campaign approach. A relationship (and therefore identity) should last years, not weeks.
Related: 52% of marketers rank email in most effective digital channels
7. Customer data powers next-generation touchpoints
Because robots. No but seriously, we’ve all heard the talk about AI and AR and you’ve more than likely tested it out yourself. Pokémon Go anyone?
And while AI and AR have mostly been played by the gamers and the medical geniuses, it’s expected that 2017 will bring a 300% increases in AI spending. No small pennies here.
8. Customer-obsessed CMOs rise to the top of the enterprise
I guess the question here is, why were non customer-obsessed CMOs ever at the top?
The biggest marketing trends 2017 will bring to your business
The infographic is from Signal and was originally found over on marketingprofs.
Featured image cred: Flickr