DIK thinks that the onboarding process went smoothly and that they received solid training!
By Therese Tullgren | therese.tullgren@ungapped.com
DIK has been a customer since the turn of the year 2021/2022. The purpose of their marketing is to build a relationship with the members and create awareness of DIK as well as recruit people who work and study in their fields.
DIK is the union for culture, communication, and the creative sector. They work a lot to create content for members and potential members on their own site dik.se and on their social channels (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, and Youtube). Using Ungapped, they distribute their content directly to members via newsletters. It can, for example, be about tips before salary negotiations, inspiring member portraits, and statistics from their reports. They also invite you to webinars with themes around professional issues and podcasts in DIK Dialog.
– With many exciting professions represented among the members, it is not difficult to come up with ideas for content. One day we talk about the challenges in the communications industry and the other day we podcast about the future of the archive profession. I can imagine that many who work with Ungapped belong to DIK – ie communicators and the like, says Susanne Rossi, project manager at DIK’s communications and marketing department!
They use Ungapped to create a member journey with automated welcome emails for example. Building rapport with members and showing that they understand and contribute to improvement in their industries is critical. Every month they send a full membership letter to all members with the latest news and invitations to various events. Their CRM Microsoft Dynamics is integrated into Ungapped so the contact lists for these emails are automatically updated at the times they themselves have scheduled.
– As we have many different target groups to communicate with, we also send targeted newsletters with profession-specific content. For example, newsletters aimed at librarians or communicators, or only at students. We also have a large group of elected representatives who we email regularly with slightly more nerdy trade union news and invitations to training, says Susanne Rossi.
In addition to the newsletter tool and the CRM integration, they also use the event tool extensively. Susanne finds it easy to post new events and communicate with those registered. They also use the survey tool, both for event evaluations and simpler member surveys.
So far they haven’t sent text messages, but they plan to test that soon.
– Ungapped is a simple tool to work with and the content is very nice.
It is an excellent tool for communicating with members. During the autumn, we made an investment aimed at communicators, as statistics, unfortunately, show that they are more often on sick leave due to stress. Through Ungapped, we were able to send out information directly aimed at all members of the communications industry, where we invited, among other things, to a panel discussion (in the event tool) together with Sweden’s communicators.
Via email, the recipients could also share their own stories in a survey (in the survey tool), and based on these answers we will be able to create even more content to raise the issue of communicators’ work environment, says Susanne.
With the help of this mailing, the campaign received an extra push at the start in the form of effective dissemination to the members, who in turn were able to spread the information further to colleagues and friends. The commitment to the campaign has become enormous. The work to improve the communicator’s working day continues and Ungapped will continue to play a key role in spreading this.
DIK is the union for everyone who works or studies in culture, communication, and the creative sector. DIK has approximately 20,000 members around the country and is part of Saco, Sweden’s central organization of academics. DIK is non-partisan.
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