Eurogames 2015
By Therese Tullgren | therese.tullgren@ungapped.com
Stockholm hosted one of the world’s largest LGBTQ events: Eurogames 2015. Attracting over 5,000 participants and more than 200,000 visitors to the city and region, the event was declared a huge success. We were eager to chat with Jakob Jansson, Chairman of the Board, to tell us about how Eurogames Stockholm 2015 came to be such a success.
Why email was important for success…
With an event as large as this, it was mission-critical that our communication with participants and visitors to the city kept them well-informed in the lead-up to, during, and even after individual tournaments.
To make this happen, we had a core communication and marketing team of 6 different people. Together we assembled everything from overall strategy and material to design and copy. It was very important that we could communicate information quickly and reliably to all of our participants at a moment’s notice. We were able to do that with Ungapped.
We used our mailings to send…
• Event information
• Tournament updates
• Participant schedules
• Travel bookings
• News and media releases
Communicating to as many as 71 countries brought new challenges to the team. Everything from cultural to social and of course, language barriers.
“We constantly kept asking ourselves whether we would find the mailings useful and interesting if we were a participant, visitor or press”.
We used copy that got straight to the point and paired with engaging pictures and videos. Putting ourselves in the shoes of readers kept us within the boundaries of what we really needed in a mailing.
Using Ungapped was terribly easy…
Since we were sending a variety of different information to a variety of different people, we created a design guideline and set up a number of templates. Once this was up and running, it really was terribly easy and effective. Just drag and drop this, drag and drop that, and it was done in a heartbeat.
There are fantastic statistics in the platform…
…and looking at our own statistics, we believe our campaigns helped us reach out to new people and raised awareness of what EuroGames stands for. I think that when you have so many thousands of people that you’re relaying information to, it’s really important that you take the time to read and analyze your mailings.
On the role of email in the customer experience…
I think mailings allow (when done appropriately) people to focus on real-life experiences.
“Accessing information quickly or getting timely updates frees up time for other things instead of reading guides and trying to get from A to B”.
If I were to give one piece of advice it would be to simply realize the importance of using mailings – and to just get started!
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