Key Corporate Training
By Therese Tullgren | therese.tullgren@ungapped.com
Key Corporate Training has been giving worldclass training since 1979 and are on a mission to improve the quality of people’s communication in the workplace. Using Ungapped has helped them to combine the power of surveys and mailings to shape future workshops.
Surveys connect us with our audiences and vice versa…
… as they give us a clear view of the needs and goals of our course participants. Knowing what people want and expect from our courses allows us to adapt the workshop content in line with the their needs. This also saves us a lot of time during the workshops because by the time we start a workshop, we have already covered participant expectations. This is highly appreciated by all our participants.
How we use surveys…
We use surveys as a part of our weekly mailflow for course administration so that each of our participants receive:
- Course invitations
- A pre-course needs analysis and tasks
- Analysis reminders
- Attendance reminders
- Training evaluations
Once surveys are published and mailflows are in place, it is an automated process that saves us time. That’s the huge advantage of using Ungapped.
“We believe customers perceive us as more professional due to the look and efficiency of our course administration”.
By freeing up our course administration time, we can spend more time working one on one with our participants.
But there are things to consider before publishing a survey…
Firstly, we must determine if we are permitted to send the survey link to our course participants since many of our customers do not allow us to contact their employees unless it is directly related to a specific course. Knowing what contacts we can and can’t send to isn’t a problem with the platform’s contact management cards.
“It’s important that we think about who will be filling out the survey, what the goal of the survey is, and how can we design it in a way that looks appealing and clear”.
But changing the appearance of our surveys is really easy since we can just drag and drop blocks into new surveys or simply shuffle around the blocks in existing surveys.
Reporting results is part of our customer experience…
The responses people give in surveys can be easily exported to Excel which we do with our evaluation surveys. We send these responses off to buyers and that becomes great added value for them as they can directly see how much participants appreciated our course. The export feature also saves us a great deal of time, as we no longer have to compile evaluations manually.
For those considering using surveys…
Surveys are extremely useful for helping you get a clear view of the needs and goals of your audience, which is so valuable for your business.
But the biggest advantage is that we save valuable time from routine course administration that is invested right back into providing our participants with better workshops.
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