Mitthem thinks Ungapped is a flexible tool with good support and onboarding
By Therese Tullgren | therese.tullgren@ungapped.com
Mitthem has worked with Ungapped’s tool since the fall of 2021 and currently, they use the tool mainly for their mailings to tenants. But they have also used the tool for some simpler investigations. Their digital marketing is mostly about renting apartments.
During the year, they have focused on promoting forms of accommodation aimed at people over 50 without children living at home. They have also invested money in promoting the social sustainability work they do.
We use Ungapped as a tool to keep our tenants informed and up-to-date on what is happening in the area where they live, says Linda Sjölén Backlund, communications strategist at Mitthem.
She works with everything from graphic production, to web and digital tenant communication.
Linda thinks Ungapped is a flexible and easy-to-use tool with good support and onboarding. The biggest advantage for them has been the integration with their own real estate systems. Through the integration, they now always have updated contact information for their tenants.
– For us at Mitthem, satisfied tenants are important. We use Ungapped to quickly and easily send out information to our tenants and through the tool, we have managed to reduce our paper mailings, which is good for the environment.
Sending out the information is quick and we have developed a number of different templates that we use to ensure that communication is uniform.’
Mitthem is a municipal housing company with approximately 5,900 rental apartments in Sundsvall. According to their business concept, they must “provide safe, secure and affordable housing in Sundsvall’s conurbation. The business must be characterized by high quality and good service in close cooperation with the customer”.
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