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Why you shouldn’t use Multiple ESPs (Email Service Providers)

It may seem like a great idea to use multiple email service providers all together such as Ungapped, MailChimp & SendGrid for various business activities.  You may even feel that it is improving your business processes or it poses no issues at all. In the short term if you are testing out various systems it…

Email Guidelines

7 Email Marketing Guidelines

So you use email as part of your marketing mix, how well do you know the guidelines when it comes to email marketing? Yes, there are guidelines however unlike platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram it is not so strictly policed. However if you do happen to slip up you will notice it in your…


How to Build and Maintain Your Email Lists

Do you have a business idea or just getting started in the email marketing arena? One of the very first things you will need to do is build your email list. It’s the main way to reach out to your audience that you can control, and your direct contact with them, as we say in…

Clean your email list

Four Ways to Keep Your Email Lists Healthy

Let’s face it no matter how great you are at building your email lists, over time there will always be a percentage of emails that can cause you some issues which can lead to some pretty nasty surprises for your email campaign analytics. Managing and maintaining your email lists will help you lower your bounce…

Marketing Lifeguard

3 Email Marketing Traps to Avoid

Email marketing is not rocket science, but like anything, you may stumble into a few traps. This increases drastically, especially when you have last minute deadlines or too many things on your plate, a few basic checks can be forgotten which could hurt your brand and email campaigns more than you realise. Here are three easy tips on…

Expectations of Email Marketing and Summer Engagement

Achieving any kind of successful email marketing and summer engagement is difficult. But it’s made even tougher during the summer when most of the population in Sweden, Denmark and Norway take vacation in July and August. Suddenly we find that our readership and engagement statistics drop. But does that mean all is lost? How can we…

[VIDEO] How to keep email subscribers engaged over summer

How can we as marketers, from small business or large enterprise, expect any kind of engagement when nobody is at the office over the summer? Well, it can be more difficult than usual but it’s not impossible. In this seminar we’ll go through 7 key expectations with strategies for you combat lower engagement. With examples from our…

[VIDEO] Campaign building: from newsletters to conversion

In this seminar recording we go through some different approaches to campaign building – everything from creating templates right through to measuring conversions. This seminar is designed for Ungapped users and those who are interested in seeing how Ungapped can help take their email marketing to the next level. To watch the video, click through on…

how to measure the success of an email

How to measure the success of an email

I don’t know about you but whenever I send a mailing to our current and potential customers, I get this mad rush of adrenaline. No? Just me? Ok so maybe it’s a little nerdy but I’m ok with that. I’m excited to share news, events and updates with our users. I’m excited for the new…


[PODCAST] Why doesn’t my email subject line work?

If you’ve ever been puzzled as to why one email subject line works over another then this 20 minute podcast is for you. In this podcast, the LiveIntent hosts are joined by CEO and co-founder of Phrasee, Parry Malm. The three talk about why one subject line works over another, how long a subject line…

Welcome to your newsletter

Give your new subscriber a warm welcome!

Did you know that the welcome-email that’s automatically sent to the new subscriber after s/he has confirmed their email address is one of the most read transactional emails? Don’t miss this opportunity, and deliver some value to your new subscriber! Here are some tips: Say Thank you! This subscriber has shown an interest in your…

10 ethical ways to build a mailing list

10 ethical ways to build a mailing list

Whenever we host breakfast seminars here at Ungapped HQ we always get asked how businesses can ethically build a mailing list. And I think it’s fantastic that businesses big and small are concerned about how they can obtain email addresses without abusing the rights of the subscriber. Unfortunately we can’t sit down with everyone and brainstorm…

Email deliverability and Gmail’s infamous tabs

When you work with email deliverability of your campaigns, one of the things that probably cause you to pull your hair out on a regular basis is Gmail’s infamous inbox tabs. Ever since their inception a few years ago, tabs have brought sever frustration to marketers, ESPs, and email deliverability experts the world over. With…

How does email list segmentation affect engagement?

For many marketers, a lot of time is spent on email list segmentation. It could be creating cohorts based on geographical location, job title or even shoe size – whatever it is, we spend a lot of time perfecting these segments for email purposes. But does it make any difference? For those of you collecting contact…

The biggest marketing trends 2017 will bring to your business

With our breakfast seminar set to run mid-week, we thought we’d take a look at the topic we’ll be covering and share some of the latest opinions on the topic. Our seminar topic is “The biggest marketing trends 2017 will bring to your business” and this infographic really is the total emulation of the concept. The…

Take your marketing to the next level