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Block a contact (sms)


A blocked contact is a recipient who does not wish to receive any further text messages from you.
If a contact is blocked, no more text messages can be sent to that sms number.
Even if a blocked contact is in a contact list you use for a sms, the blocked contact will be picked up automatically once you click send and omitted from the sending.

A contact can be blocked:

  1. by replying a certain stop-text to your sent text message
  2. by replying a certain stop-text to a certain number
  3. manually by you.
block a sms number

Click on the image to open full screen!

How do I manually block a contact?

  1. Go to Contacts and search for the contact you wish to block
  2. Open the contact by clicking the contact’s name
  3. Select the profile tab
  4. Click on the green tick next to “Receives text messages”
  5. Save by clicking Close.

The blocked contact will now have a red stop-icon in front of the sms number.
(Don’t see the red stop-icon? Update your browser!)

How do I unblock a contact?

  1. Go to Contacts and search for the contact you wish to unblock
  2. Open the contact by clicking the contact’s name
  3. Select the profile tab
  4. Click on the red icon next to “Unsubscribed from text messages”
  5. Save by clicking Close.

PLEASE NOTE! You shall not unblock a contact if the contact has unsubscribed themselves from your text messages. Only if the contact has given express consent to receive your test messages again is it ok to remove the block.

Related manuals:

Create a filtered contact list »
Edit a contact »
Bounced contacts »


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