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Show follow-up question (conditions)


By using Conditions you control whether a follow-up question should appear if the respondent answered x (or y) on a previous main question.

Main question: Which newspapers do you read daily in paper format?
Options: The New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Sydney Morning Herald, Other newspaper

show hidden survey question

Click on the image to open full screen!

If the respondent selects the “Other newspaper”-option, a follow-up question “Please specify which newspaper you usually read” appears.

  1. First create both the main question and the follow up-question, and SAVE the survey.
  2. Mark the follow up-question and click on Conditions in the right-hand column.
  3. Choose your main question, and then enter the answer option(s) that the respondent should choose to see the follow-up question. Click Add.
  4. Save.
  5. Open Preview to test that the feature works.


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