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Add users to your Ungapped account


The person/s who are administrators on the account can invite other people to the account free of charge. The person who is the administrator can also assign different roles to the user:

  • User – can use the platform
  • Administrator – can use the platform + can invite users to the account + delete users + change the account settings + upgrade the account + upload money to the SMS balance.
  1. Click on your own name at the bottom of the left menu and then “Invite your team to Ungapped“.
  2. You will now be taken to the “Account users”-page in the account settings. Click on the turquoise “Invite new user”-button.
  3. Enter email address + name of the person you want to invite and click on Send invite.
  4. An invitation email is now sent to the email address you entered and the person now has 30 days to open this email and click on the link in the email to accept your invitation and gain access to the account.
    The subject line of this invitation email is “Firstname Lastname has invited you to join Ungapped“, i.e. the first and last name of the person sending the invitation.
  5. After the person accepts their invitation they gain access to the account.
    An administrator can change the person’s role to administrator.


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