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Naming your custom fields


In addition to our fixed fields (first name, last name, mobile number and email address) you can collect additional information about your contacts. There are 10 additional custom fields at your disposal. For example; your contacts’ company, job title, city, customer number, year of birth, password or even shoe size! You decide what information is relevant to you and your business and what will be most effective in your digital communication.

Keep your database organized by naming your custom fields

Make sure to name each of your custom fields so that you for example don’t import the company information in Custom field 2 today, and in Custom field 4 in your next import. Not only will this result in custom fields being wrong in your mailings, surveys and text messages, but it will also prevent you from being able to search the database for custom fields.

Name your custom fields

  1. Click on the account name in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Click the account name
  3. Open the Custom fields-tab
  4. Name your custom fields

You will see a green confirmation alert in the left upper corner if you’ve successfully named your custom fields.

Click on the icon in the right corner to open the video in full screen!

You can insert custom fields in mailings, text messages and as pre-filled fields in the survey tool.
You can also use the data to segment your contacts to provide better content for your customers. For example, “women in San Fransisco, born 1976-1986, and working in online marketing”.

Related manuals:

Inserting a custom field into a mailing subject line »
Inserting a custom field into a mailing »


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