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Reminder: “day before” reminder to registered guests


At the moment, the reminder feature is NOT yet part of the event tool. (It’s coming.)
This means you now have to send reminders manually.

Send an email reminder “the day before” to those who have accepted

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Click the icon at the far right of the film above to open the film in full screen mode.

  1. Open the event
  2. Go to Guestlist in the left column
  3. Filter by the status Accepted.
  4. Export to New list.
  5. Give this contact list a good and logical name, for example ”Reminder – “See you tomorrow” to ”Name of the event”.
  6. Open your event again, and go to Invitations in the left column
  7. Create another invitation email. (No, this doesn’t sound correct, but do it.)
  8. We strongly recommend that your “day before”-reminder email has an “I can no longer make it”-button or -link so that the participant who can no longer come easily can cancel their seat.
    This button/link should be linked to “Cancel registration” which you find on the Event tab.
  9. Connect the email to your contact list.
  10. Send it out!
  11. You’ll find the email statistics for the Reminder inside the event, under Invitations.


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