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Schedule recurring mailings


You have emails that you want to be sent regularly, perhaps an email that is sent to new subscribers for a newsletter. Schedule this email so that it is automatically sent at a given time each day, certain days of the week or on selected days of a month, etc.

The email will then be sent to everyone in the list who has not already received the email, is perfect for lists that are automatically filled with new imported contacts.

For RSS emails sent at given times, there is also the option to set so that all recipients receive the email again, perfect for emailing the news from your website automatically.
NOTE! This option is only available if there is a set RSS feed.

Important! To be able to schedule a recurring mailing of mail, the email needs to be sent sharply at least once.

Click on the icon at the far right of the movie above to watch the movie in full screen mode. The film has no sound.

  1. Select mailings and sent -> Open the email so that the statistics are displayed.
  2. Select “Schedule recurring” in the gray menu at the top of the page.
  3. The “Scheduling” window opens.
    NOTE! Displays two selections “Send only to those who have not already received the mailing” and “Send to everyone every time” are displayed. This is only displayed if you have a set RSS feed. You then have two options to which recipients in the list it should be sent to.If this is not and is not shown, an email will be sent automatically to everyone in the list who has not already received the email.
  4. Select “Add schedule”
  5. Now set how the email is to be scheduled, whether it is to be sent Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.
  6. Save! The set scheduling is complete, the email is now sent automatically to everyone in the list who has not already received the email at the given time and day.

Specify regularity for scheduling:

Choose between every day, every odd day or every even day and time.

Which days of the week it should be sent, one or more days and what time it should be sent each time

Specify which months the email is to be sent, choose to send on the 1st, 2nd 3rd day of the month and time, or the first, second day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) in the month and time.

Here you can choose to send to everyone or a certain month of the year and day of the month, the 1st, 2nd day, etc. or the first, second day of a weekday in a certain month and time.

In the scheduling window, the emails now show:

Status = shows that the email is “Scheduled” (or interrupted, ready)
Scheduled = which start date the scheduling starts.
Schedule = what time + day email will be sent.

To change scheduling:
Click “Edit” -> all scheduling options are displayed again.
Update the settings -> and save.

Do you want to cancel scheduling:
Click “Cancel” at the far right of the line (in the Scheduling window)
Or open mailings and sent -> open the email so statistics page is displayed -> select “Scheduling” and click cancel in the scheduling list.

Edit email:
You can edit your scheduled email without affecting the scheduling.
Select mailings and Scheduled -> click on the mailing name to open mailings in edit mode -> make changes and save.


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