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Send Test Emails
There’s nothing more frustrating than having spent time and effort in your email only to find a small spelling mistake or a link that does not work once you’ve sent to several thousand recipients. So if we could give you advice from the depths of our hearts, it is that you must always do these things before sending out your email;
- Review your email several times
- Let someone else review your email
- Make a spam test
- Always send a test email to Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Aol, Apple Mail and other email clients.
Click on ALL links to make sure the links are correct, and have a look at the email – does it look good? Does it look the same in all email clients? - Open the email in your cell phone – is the font too small/big? Are the links easily clicked? etc.
Send a test mailing
- Open the draft you want to test
- Click Test to the right of the editor
- Enter the email addresses of those you want to send a test email to (one per row)
- Click the Send-button
- When you see the green sent-confirmation – check the inbox where the email was sent to
- Click on all links to see if they direct to the correct URL
- Check that the email is readable across multiple email clients and devices.

- the Unsubscribe link does not work in test email since it is not linked to a contact list or to the tool’s database. The same applies to “Tell a Friend” links and “Edit your profile” links. These functions only work in emails sent to “real” contact lists.
Can’t send a test mailing?
- If your email is missing the mandatory unsubscribe link you can’t make a test email. Here’s how to insert the unsubscribe link »
- If the subject line is empty you can’t send a test email.
- Make sure you have entered a sender name and sender address in your emails settings. You won’t be able to test a email without having this information.
Related manuals:
Do a spam test »
Set the subscription category for your email »