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Create a survey


create a new survey

How to create a sign-up form.

Click on the image to open full screen!

  1. Create a new survey by clicking Create at the top and select Create new survey
  2. Choose one of our free pre-made templates to tweak to your own liking. If you want to start from scratch – use the template “Plain vanilla”.
  3. Give your survey a title – this will be the heading of the survey
  4. Drag and drop questions to the editor from the right-hand side
  5. Click on the “Thank you” page at the bottom of your survey to add a photo or company logo at the top, introduction, edit the submit button or to change the text on the thank you page
  6. If you want to add extra design to your survey (ie background color, background image, link color, fonts, font size, width etc) – go to Design in the right hand side menu
  7. If you want to add an auto-response email that’s automatically sent to the recipient once they’ve filled out the form (suitable for confirmation emails to event sign ups), go to Settings in the right hand side menu and choose an email. (= You must first create this auto-response email.)
    Read more about auto-response mailing »

    You can also (or instead) send an auto-response sms. Go to Settings in the right hand side menu and choose a sms. (= You must first create this auto-response sms.)
    You will be charged for each sent sms. Make sure you have enough sms-credit on your account » If balance is missing, no confirmation-sms will be sent.

  8. If you want to get an email notification when there is a new response, go to Settings in the right hand side menu and choose which user/s to send email notifications to. (= You can only send email notifications to users.)
    Read more about email notifications »
  9. To save, click the save icon at the top of the right hand side menu
  10. To preview what your survey will look like, click the eye icon in the right hand side menu.

In order to receive responses, you first must Publish your survey » (You can still continue to edit the survey even though it’s published.)
Once you have published your survey you’ll get the URL (web address) to the survey »

Related manuals:

Survey question types »
Survey design »
Publish a survey on your website »


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